My name is Lee Purchase and if you’ve landed here, then we probably have similar interests. For starters, I’m fascinated with true crime and whodunnits. It began with Law & Order but I branched out to real crime and when the ID channel was launched, I was hooked. These days, I like far too many shows with far too little time to watch them all but I always make time for my favorite, The First 48. I love my dogs, a good pair of boots and knowing that I have the perfect pair of sneakers for every occasion, should it arise. I also love strumming on my cheap 6 string while the Martin stays safe and hidden in her case.


You can call me Turkey or “The Turkey” or the Yonkers Love Chicken for short. I’m pretty easy going. I’m not the crime enthusiast that Lee is but I’ve always been fascinated with serial killers and how they seem so skilled at literally getting away with murder. I guess I’m also fascinated with cold cases and that’s really what made me want to be a part of the show. In the past, I’ve claimed to be a connoisseur of independent, art-house films but today I’m confident enough to admit that was all bullshit. I’m the first one to rush out to see a big feature film with explosions and car chases and superheroes. I love dogs and sneakers too but I don’t need one for every occasion. I travel light and that sometimes means I forget a toothbrush.